Our first almost ripe Strawberry! I don't normally blog twice in one day but I have Strawberry fever.This comes as a surprise out of left field for me. I spent 3 summers growing up working in the Berry fields,first strawberries then raspberries and some times boysenberries.Up before dawn, on to the bus and working by sun up.Rain,heat nor boredom kept us home.I had to earn my own money for school clothes and being a preteen girl,I wanted those clothes. I then spent 2 summers working in the cannery making berry ice cream toppings.This is where I really started to not like strawberries.Working swing shift night after night 6 days a week standing there watching berries roll by picking out the junk and muck so the berries could go into the slicer. I should not say this but a few tree frogs went over the end and into the slicer this sealed my dislike of berries. It has only been the last couple of years that I have been able to stomach them and only if I personally made the dish or picked the berries.
Seeing that pinkish berry soaking up the sun today gave me the fever.This year I am going to can our own strawberry jam.I have my eyes wide open for a local farm to go pick my own ruby goodness.Any day now it will be time.We always got calls from the farmers telling us to hurry up and finish school so we could come pick.A couple of years we went after school and on the weekends until the day we could close our books.That jam is going to be good,I just know it.Come winter we will have jars of summer sunshine to slather on our toast without any frogs sliced into it.
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