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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Quick link Love

 A few links to share for now.My head is full of thoughts but until the weekend no time to seriously write about them.

Here's one about Kosher VS Pickling salt which has me revisiting the use of ratio and weight when cooking.Which means I need to go pick this book up and take a better look at it.

My friend Heidi is an amazing woman.Not only is she a very genuine person but she is a talented Lady Blacksmith.All of that beauty is hand done people!

This one could be a problem for me.I have a very difficult time leaving vintage handmade textiles behind when we go thrift store shopping,with this idea etched in my head I may be doomed.I have not looked through the whole website this posted on but it looks interesting and I will be back to explore it over the weekend.

Marianne left me a comment on my last posting so I went to visit her blog.What caught my eye was her little bio up in the right hand corner.It's so open and honest,the way people should be.Go visit her too.

 Living with Chickens brings flies in the yard during the warm months,I found this cool idea  on a environmentally easy way to keep the flies away when we dine out side.I may experiment with bags and clear jars.

And here is the song that is stuck in my head this afternoon.Very random.

Anyone else have a link or two or three to share from their week?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't have a link, but I am excited to check out these.
