Thursday my friend Alison came over to walk me through making Orange Marmalade.I had decided that I wanted some help since every single recipe for Marmalade was so different I felt a bit overwhelmed.Alison makes great Marmalade so she was my choice in teachers. You can click over to her blog for the full details on how to make various Marmalade's and a link to the book she uses for the recipe.
To make 2 batches took us a whole days worth of work with visiting in between. Four oranges and two lemons gave me 3 pint jars worth of Marmalade. The amount of jars verses the amount of work has left me wondering if I will do this again.We love marmalade but I don't know....maybe if next year I have company again to help make the time go by I'd do it again.Never the less the Marmalade is a treat and much welcomed in the pantry.
I had wanted this to be a longer posting with a bit more information but time is pressing me else where so away I go.I am coming back this weekend to talk about raising your own Chickens for meat and about butchering classes.I must zoom off so far well for now.
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