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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Taking a blog break.

After some long thinking I am taking a break from my blog writing.I really enjoy writing and sharing what we are up to but there is one dream I had for this blog that has yet to come about.I had hoped that there would be more conversation going on in the comments section.I wasn't looking for compliments,I was looking for conversation and in put. Sharing thoughts,ideas and all of the rest of the good the bad and the ugly that can happen when you are working on living a more sustainable lifestyle.

What really put me to thinking about a break is a matter of personal principal that I am a bit rigid on sometimes to a fault.But it is part of who I am at my core and in my mind a point of being a decent human being.I can not make myself sway a different direction on this one.

A while back Green Man sent me the Liebster Award and requested me to follow along.I was totally honest and stated that this was really not my cup of tea but would play along in a way that I was comfortable with.I was open about this point,I wrote the blog post and made sure to thank him for the award.This is getting to the point of me not being able to let go of my principal.I never heard one word in reply from Green Man.

In my mind when you do something for someone else a thank you should be given.Just a plain and simple thank you.I would think that we all learned that one even before we all got to kindergarten.We are all working on building better lives through living a more green way but the planet can not be a better place if people do not show each other a bit of grace.

Part of me thinks that I owe an apology for throwing Green Man out on the mat in such a public way but part of me thinks not.So all I am going to say about that is what comes around goes around for both of us.

One of my goals for this year is to spend less time talking and more time doing.Meaning-

Spending less time on the computer wasting time I could be doing something that adds value to my life.
Not waiting to do something later when I have the time now.
And finally, talking less about getting together with friends but actually getting together with them.

All of these points really tie into why I am taking a blog break for me.I am finding the computer to be a mind and time sucking vortex that is keeping me at times from using  my time to do more of the things I love.I also want to be working on the friendships in my life by actually spending face to face time with the people I enjoy.Social media,email,text messaging and even this blog to a point are all becoming a bit fake to me.
Yes, everyone is keeping up with each other on a minute to minute bases but no one is stopping to enjoy each other's company.It's like the human connections are fading away from our lives.Isn't community about coming together? I am still working all of this out in my head and by taking a break from here I think I will get that done quicker.I do know that I want to fill my life with things I love and love doing,hopefully a break will answer my question "Do I still enjoy blogging?".

One last time I am going to invite all of you to add your thoughts in the comments,let's see where they take us.
